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<img src="https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1024/branded_news/16219/production/_127294609_mob1.jpg"> Ukraine war: 'I'd rather go to jail than fight in Ukraine', Russian man saysBBC plsHelpUkraine11202215
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Russia suspends Ukraine grain deal over ship attack claim - The Associated Press
(Louischock, 15. 11. 2022 3:32)
<img src="https://storage.googleapis.com/afs-prod/media/97d0a932a4104af7a558430a7ed01ee1/3000.jpeg"> Russia suspends Ukraine grain deal over ship attack claimThe Associated Press plsHelpUkraine11202215
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Biden and Xi condemn Russian nuclear threats; Zelenskiy visits liberated Kherson – as it happened - The Guardian
(Louischock, 15. 11. 2022 0:20)
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October 26, 2022 Russia-Ukraine news - CNN
(Louischock, 14. 11. 2022 21:14)
<img src="https://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/221025085322-ukraine-damaged-buildings-kyiv-1019-super-tease.jpg"> October 26, 2022 Russia-Ukraine newsCNN plsHelpUkraine11202214
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U.S. Sees Opportunity for Ukraine to Capitalize on Russian Weakness - The New York Times
(Louischock, 14. 11. 2022 18:06)
<img src="https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/10/19/us/politics/19dc-intel-1/merlin_214910700_3dd58aed-73a3-4a18-9a15-17c51410332b-facebookJumbo.jpg"> U.S. Sees Opportunity for Ukraine to Capitalize on Russian WeaknessThe New York Times plsHelpUkraine11202214
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October 28, 2022 Russia-Ukraine news - CNN
(Louischock, 14. 11. 2022 14:36)
<img src="https://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/221025173102-pleitgen-ukraine-rocket-artillery-vpx-3-super-tease.jpg"> October 28, 2022 Russia-Ukraine newsCNN plsHelpUkraine11202214
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вЂI can’t stop smiling’: residents welcome Ukrainian troops in the frontline town of Snihurivka - The Guardian
(Louischock, 14. 11. 2022 11:11)
<img src="https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/c451038370c23ece148317a8060a3820c4dc4d5e/0_546_8115_4869/master/8115.jpg?width=1200&height=630&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&overlay-align=bottom%2Cleft&overlay-width=100p&overlay-base64=L2ltZy9zdGF0aWMvb3ZlcmxheXMvdGctZGVmYXVsdC5wbmc&enable=upscale&s=65a75bd73d35cd2d5e508f44d0614b5b"> вЂI can’t stop smiling’: residents welcome Ukrainian troops in the frontline town of SnihurivkaThe Guardian plsHelpUkraine11202214
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Abandoned Russian base holds secrets of retreat in Ukraine - Reuters
(Louischock, 14. 11. 2022 7:53)
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United Kingdom
(United, 14. 11. 2022 7:22)The United Kingdom, made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, is an island nation in northwestern Europe. England – birthplace of Shakespeare and The Beatles – is home to the capital, London, a globally influential centre of finance and culture. England is also site of Neolithic Stonehenge, Bath’s Roman spa and centuries-old universities at Oxford and Cambridge.
United Kingdom
(United, 14. 11. 2022 7:19)The United Kingdom, made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, is an island nation in northwestern Europe. England – birthplace of Shakespeare and The Beatles – is home to the capital, London, a globally influential centre of finance and culture. England is also site of Neolithic Stonehenge, Bath’s Roman spa and centuries-old universities at Oxford and Cambridge.
United Kingdom
(United, 14. 11. 2022 7:16)The United Kingdom, made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, is an island nation in northwestern Europe. England – birthplace of Shakespeare and The Beatles – is home to the capital, London, a globally influential centre of finance and culture. England is also site of Neolithic Stonehenge, Bath’s Roman spa and centuries-old universities at Oxford and Cambridge.
United Kingdom
(United, 14. 11. 2022 7:12)The United Kingdom, made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, is an island nation in northwestern Europe. England – birthplace of Shakespeare and The Beatles – is home to the capital, London, a globally influential centre of finance and culture. England is also site of Neolithic Stonehenge, Bath’s Roman spa and centuries-old universities at Oxford and Cambridge.
United Kingdom
(United, 14. 11. 2022 7:09)The United Kingdom, made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, is an island nation in northwestern Europe. England – birthplace of Shakespeare and The Beatles – is home to the capital, London, a globally influential centre of finance and culture. England is also site of Neolithic Stonehenge, Bath’s Roman spa and centuries-old universities at Oxford and Cambridge.
United Kingdom
(United, 14. 11. 2022 7:00)The United Kingdom, made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, is an island nation in northwestern Europe. England – birthplace of Shakespeare and The Beatles – is home to the capital, London, a globally influential centre of finance and culture. England is also site of Neolithic Stonehenge, Bath’s Roman spa and centuries-old universities at Oxford and Cambridge.
United Kingdom
(United, 14. 11. 2022 6:57)The United Kingdom, made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, is an island nation in northwestern Europe. England – birthplace of Shakespeare and The Beatles – is home to the capital, London, a globally influential centre of finance and culture. England is also site of Neolithic Stonehenge, Bath’s Roman spa and centuries-old universities at Oxford and Cambridge.
United Kingdom
(United, 14. 11. 2022 6:55)The United Kingdom, made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, is an island nation in northwestern Europe. England – birthplace of Shakespeare and The Beatles – is home to the capital, London, a globally influential centre of finance and culture. England is also site of Neolithic Stonehenge, Bath’s Roman spa and centuries-old universities at Oxford and Cambridge.
United Kingdom
(United, 14. 11. 2022 6:53)The United Kingdom, made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, is an island nation in northwestern Europe. England – birthplace of Shakespeare and The Beatles – is home to the capital, London, a globally influential centre of finance and culture. England is also site of Neolithic Stonehenge, Bath’s Roman spa and centuries-old universities at Oxford and Cambridge.
United Kingdom
(United, 14. 11. 2022 6:52)The United Kingdom, made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, is an island nation in northwestern Europe. England – birthplace of Shakespeare and The Beatles – is home to the capital, London, a globally influential centre of finance and culture. England is also site of Neolithic Stonehenge, Bath’s Roman spa and centuries-old universities at Oxford and Cambridge.
United Kingdom
(United, 14. 11. 2022 6:19)The United Kingdom, made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, is an island nation in northwestern Europe. England – birthplace of Shakespeare and The Beatles – is home to the capital, London, a globally influential centre of finance and culture. England is also site of Neolithic Stonehenge, Bath’s Roman spa and centuries-old universities at Oxford and Cambridge.
United Kingdom
(United, 14. 11. 2022 6:17)The United Kingdom, made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, is an island nation in northwestern Europe. England – birthplace of Shakespeare and The Beatles – is home to the capital, London, a globally influential centre of finance and culture. England is also site of Neolithic Stonehenge, Bath’s Roman spa and centuries-old universities at Oxford and Cambridge.
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Ukraine war: 'I'd rather go to jail than fight in Ukraine', Russian man says - BBC
(Louischock, 15. 11. 2022 6:48)